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Understanding vata, pitta, and kapha constitution

Writer's picture: KarlijnKarlijn

Updated: Nov 19, 2023

Body constitution

People in this age and time are always looking for innovative ways to improve their health and lifestyle. They have been trying different diet plans, exercise, medicine, and alternative plans to either lose weight or have peace of mind. But instead of looking for different strategies, the Ayurveda approach teaches us to look back at this ancient healing practice discovered in India over 5,000 years ago. Ayurvedic Medicine believes that the human body comprises the five elements of space, air, fire, earth, and water. When combined, it forms the three-body energies and life forces, also called Dosha.

There are three different types of Doshas or body types. The three are Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Each person has a unique combination of the three doshas expressed by our individual physical, emotional, and mental attributes. Knowing about your dosha will help you understand your inner self and why your body and overall health may differ from others.

Do you compare yourself to others?

Do you sometimes catch yourself comparing your attributes to other people? Like how come this person can eat a bunch of food and not even gain a pound, while you only eat a piece of cheesecake and immediately gain a kilo or two? It is because our dosha or biological energies differ from one another. It’s like an individual blueprint that governs our overall physical and mental health.

This article will dive a little deeper into the different types of dosha present in a human being. Even though the three types of dosha are present in a human body, most people have one particular dominant dosha, which influences their physical, emotional, and mental health.

Constitution Types

Vata dosha

Vata dosha is made up of the elements of space and air. You can recognize a vata dominant person by their thin build and the urge to always be on the move. Apart from that, they are the type of person who is very lively, talkative, and full of energy. Because of their small frame, it will leave you wondering where that energy is coming from.

Because Vata is made up of air and space, you often see that vata dominant people can get dry skin and hair; their hands and feet are cold regularly. When it comes to well-being, Vata doshas are very light sleepers and have very sensitive digestion.

Since they are a ball of energy, Vata loves new experiences and exciting activities. They like to explore their creativity and are very flexible when it comes to change. They are the ones who would typically start a conversation and influence the mood and energy inside a room.

You will know when a Vata is losing their balance when they feel overwhelmed and stressed over a particular situation. They easily worry and become anxious about things, leading them to suffer from difficulty in sleeping or insomnia. When a Vata dosha is imbalanced, they can also experience weight loss, restlessness, constipation, and other digestive problems.

To maintain a Vata’s balance, they must slow down and stay away from things causing an imbalance. Therefore I would recommend to:

  • Not skip meals.

  • Go to bed early.

  • Make choices that maintain the warmth and stability in their life.

Pitta dosha

Pitta dominant doshas can be described as “people who are burning from within.” Since their dominant element is fire and water, these people are generally known for having a fiery personality.

Physically, it seems like Pittas are the lucky ones. Aside from having a medium body frame, they also have excellent digestion, which leads them to eat anything they want without gaining weight. Other physical attributes of a Pitta dosha include vibrant complexion and shiny hair.

Pittas have intense behavior; they are brilliant, focused, goal-oriented, and have excellent public speaking and decision-making skills. Because of this, Pittas can be a great teacher, leader, and public speaker.

This type of dosha can also sleep soundly for a short period, leading them to have tons of energy and a healthy sex drive. When out of balance, Pittas may experience skin rashes, indigestion, heartburn, peptic ulcer, and excessive body heat. When Pittas are emotionally imbalanced, they tend to be short-tempered and very argumentative.

To maintain their balance, Pittas should lean on choices that are cooling, sweet, and stabilizing. These include balanced rest and activity, eating sweet, cooling foods, spending time in nature, getting a massage using cooling oils, and finding ways to laugh hard every day.

Kapha dosha

The elements of water and earth dominate this type of dosha. They have a strong body build, are very masculine, and have excellent stamina. Their facial features are also very recognizable for having soft eyes, thick hair, and smooth, radiant skin.

They have a pretty healthy digestive system, and they are good sleepers. Kaphas are very stable when it comes to their emotional traits. They are the type of person who is usually calm, patient, loyal, and can be very supportive.

When out of balance, Kaphas tend to hold a grudge, oversleep, gain weight, suffer from allergies, fluid retention, asthma, diabetes, and depression. To keep a Kapha balanced, they must maintain a routine, seek stimulation by using warm aromas, avoid clutter, and get regular exercise.

Everyone is unique

A better understanding of your dosha, knowing what kinds of food and exercise work best for you will help you stay balanced. When you can keep a balanced dosha, this will benefit your overall health.

All three doshas are present in one human being. Sometimes there is more than one predominant dosha, also known as having a dual-doshic constitution.

If you are eager to learn more about your constitution, you can always send me a message through the contact form on the website or send an email to

Knowing your dosha will help you balance your energies, maintain vigorous health, and prevent unwanted diseases. Understanding your personal constitution can be great at maintaining overall health. It is not the only thing I look at. Keep in mind that everyone is unique, and therefore, there is never a one-size-fits-all cure.

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