Unlocking the Power of Pitta Dosha: Tips for Balancing Your Fiery Energy
Balanced pitta dosha boosts digestion and sharpens the mind. It also makes us feel vibrant. But if pitta becomes imbalanced, it can cause pr
Unlocking the Power of Pitta Dosha: Tips for Balancing Your Fiery Energy
Ayurvedic Fall Routine: Balancing Vata for a Healthier Season
'Optimizing Your Child's Day: Ayurvedic Kids Routine'
Ghee a.k.a Ayurveda's Golden Liquid
Agni (the digestive fire)
Summer Solstice and Pitta Dosha
Is Intuitive Eating Healthy?
Expanding your Diet Instead of Restricting it.
Pitta Imbalanced Menstruation
Our Favorite Breakfast Recipe
The root cause of disease
Understanding vata, pitta, and kapha constitution
Creating a healthy menstrual cycle naturally
How to Balance Kapha dosha
How to balance your pitta constitution
How to balance your vata constitution
Warming and cooling foods